Monday, December 1, 2014

Kyou wo Aruku Chapter 5


It's been half a year since my last release. I'm not dead, just very lazy. Chapter 10 was just published last week, so I have my work cut out for me. I already have chapter 6 translated, so we'll see if I get it done a little more punctually.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Kyou wo Aruku Chapter 4


I actually finished translating this the day it came out, almost three weeks ago. As you can tell, redrawing is not my thing. I realized about halfway into editing the chapter that I've been saving every page in RGB Color. Converting it into grayscale cuts the file size in half, so I think I've learned my lesson. I also decided to lay off of the hyphens, which I had been using excessively. I was trying really hard to make pretty word shapes, but hyphens make things hard to read. Well, I'm still a novice, so I have a lot to learn before I can play with the big boys.

In this chapter we're introduced to a woman who walks about as much as our main character. Are we going to see some romance between the two? No, of course not!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kyou wo Aruku Chapter 3


Finally, the long-overdue third chapter of Kyou wo Aruku. I finished translating this less than a week after it came out, but real life "got in the way." Well, this is just a hobby for me, so real life takes priority. I've got more time now, so we'll see how things go.

No picture from the comic itself this time, because there weren't any good large panels. Those cat repelling water bottles do make an appearance, though. As you can see, I don't think they work.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Kyou wo Aruku Chapter 2


Here's chapter 2. With this, I'm actually caught up with the series. New chapters come out on the third Friday of every month, so chapter 3 won't come out for another week or so. I'll be thinking about working on another series now, because 8 pages a month isn't very much, even with all the redrawing.

This chapter marks the first use of speech bubbles! Thank god, because it alleviates my workload a little bit. As for why these two men are smiling, you'll have to read the chapter to find out why.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Kyou wo Aruku Chapter 1


Hi, and welcome to Shumi Scans. I'm just a single person who's recently been trying out scanlating for fun. "Shumi" is Japanese for " hobby," so I figured that it fit nicely. More importantly, I finally finished a chapter of something! It's a new series called Kyou wo Aruku (Walking Through Today) by Igarashi Mikio. It's about a man (who I presume is the author) who's been going out for walks for a very long time. He always walks the same route every time, but doing so lets him see when things change. Each chapter has a little misadventure based on something that the man encounters on his walks. It just started a couple months ago on IKKI magazine's Web Ikipara Comic site. Only two chapters are out so far, and a new 8-page chapter comes out monthly, so I think I'll be able to keep up. The site also has a few series already translated into English, including the new series from Hara Kazuo of Noramimi fame, so I'd recommend checking it out.

This was actually a pretty unfortunate choice for a first series, because the main character's actions are almost exclusively internally narrated. That means plenty of text outside of bubbles, which means redraws. I really suck at redraws, so I apologize in advance if you happen to notice anything that looks bad.